Psychosocialfactors such as depression, anxiety and stress seems to indeed have a
negative influence on the health of the heart. The latest research,
mostly through epidemiologic studies suggest that psychological or emotional, anxiety associated
with worsening of the physical health of a person. And the more recent
research is studying the phenomenon of contrast, i.e. which says that
positive emotions towards physical health, and more specifically, heart
health. So it is not wrong if it was said that: the stress is the
primary cause of all disease!
How could there be a relationship, emotions and physical health,
particularly cardiovascular health?
Positive psychology
Traditionally, good medicine and psychology is very mindful of flaws and
dysfunctions, and its primary purpose is to resolve or improve health
issues and disorders or symptoms affecting negatively to individual
health. But at the end of the 90s, there was a new model of Psychology
called “positive psychology”, with Professor Martin Seligman as one of its main representatives. This new perspective starting from
the increasing need to know about the resistance, resources and capacity
for renewal of a person. This places special emphasis on the human
capacity to adapt, have, and the chances of finding meaning and personal
growth through learning, as well as facing a worse situation.
Therefore, through scientific inquiry is more and more tight, positive
psychology seeks to gain more knowledge and resources to demonstrate
that humans can attain quality and sensations of life for happiness.
The concept is relevant to positive psychology
There is a consensus that the sensation of well-being in people, in
connection with the concept of happiness, it seems not so much
influenced by external factors that are as much as by the elements is
found in yourself.
Thus, one of the main contributions of positive psychology has been the
classification of personal power, proposed by MartinSeligman and Chris Peterson. The virtues and strengths is that ability one may
have or acquire. Work on the development of this power, allow the
individual to be able to improve their personal situation, whether it is
to overcome the bad conditions, overcoming an illness, or to enhance a
sense of satisfaction and happiness.
This classification has identified 24 personal power, which are grouped
into six categories: wisdom and knowledge, courage, compassion, justice,
moderation, and transcendence. Among these six categories, we have the
curiosity and interest in the world, think critically, integrity and
honesty, vitality and passion for many things, the capacity to love and
be loved, the generosity, the ability to self-control and regulation,
humility, hope and spirituality.
Another important concept of positive psychology which gives special
relevance is Emotional Intelligence, a concept that has been widely
known since Daniel
Goleman published his book of the same name in 1995. Emotional intelligence is
an ability which allows the individual to understand, identify and
understand their own emotions and those around them. This capacity is
driven by the knowledge of oneself and one's environment, allowing them
to establish a harmonious and creative adaptation to the self, and the develop
a life full of meaning in the sense that more powerful.
But the process of personal development is not exempt from difficulties.
Along with knowledge about the virtues and qualities of a person, it's
important how someone using it to deal with a bad situation that could
arise by itself. Endurance capacity that a person should, with the help
of private resources and social mediation, overcoming a bad situation
and the crisis itself at a certain stage in life will make them gain
opportunities for personal growth.
Because of all this, if someone obtains the ability to identify and
increase personal power, learning and developing emotional intelligence,
and practice constructive ways to deal with a bad situation, then they
will achieve get positive emotions. The experience of getting positive
emotions will be elicited feelings are more persistent, satisfaction and
happiness in one's life.
The relationship of positive emotions and health
Positive emotions have been widespread, and has been incorporated into
the areas of physical health. In 2008 the Chida and Steptoe published a review that collects the results of the study show that 70,
a positive psychological circumstance associated with greater survival,
good for healthy subjects as well as those with the disease at the
start of the study. There is also a special study has been done on the
positive psychology in the field of cardiovascular disease, which became
one of the first studies published by Davidson and colleagues in 2010.
In the research the results of which were published in the European
Heart Journal, that is one of the most prestigious Cardiology journal,
that the known existence of the positive effect of a decrease in the
incidence of heart attacks and other coronary events in the monitoring
period for 10 years.
Therefore, we can know that the results of recent studies that indicate
the existence of a favorable relationship between positive emotions and
physical health. In addition, they also show that this relationship is
not subject to the existence of negative psycho social factors, such as
depression or anxiety, to say that the benefits are not explained by the
existence of these factors, but it seems her each have independent
effects are equally profitable.
So, even though this is the area of the latest research, but we still
need to dig deeper our knowledge about it. However, the current data has
suggests that interventions to improve the positive psychological state
of a person, it could be a very useful tool for physical health.
Consider the psychological aspects of individuals, both to identify the
disease and identifying and developing the potential of someone, it
could be a very effective complement to improve not only the quality of
someone's life and the sensation of happiness, but also physical health,
particularly for heart health.