Understanding 1
From this words gliko = genesis = creation of glycogen are merged so glycogen formation. EH wrong formation of glycogen. This process happens after we exhausted packed because our blood sugar levels tinggii lho. Glycogen stored in the muscles and liver for reasons which are obvious but secret glycogen in the muscle will be used as a source of glucose for Glycolysis. While that is in the liver function to be expelled at the time of glukosanya levels drop.
Glycogen is synthesized by UDP-glucose. This process occurs in the cytosol require energy supplied from ATP and UTP. The process of Glycolysis through the stages of the reaction that is-to produce glucose phosphorylation of glucose phosphate by the enzyme hexokinase or glukokinase.
Furthermore, glucose phosphate it is converted into glukosa1fosfat by the enzyme fosfoglukomutase-well from glucose 1 phosphate this will changed to UDP-glucose by glucose 1 phosphate uridilyltransferase.-so essentially glucose 1 phosphate + UTP = UDP glucose. Well this new glucose from UDP deh will be synthesized into Glycogen.
Next the glycogen synthesis process happen by UDP process that requires 2 enzymes namely:
a. glycogen synthase function was to establish a chain of glucose molecules with alpha-glycosidic linkage
a. glycogen synthase function was to establish a chain of glucose molecules with alpha-glycosidic linkage
b. 1.4 branching enzyme (amilo glukosil transferase), its function is to move the glucose residue, 7 from the newly formed chains and move it to another to form kerantai Alpha-glycosidic linkage 1.0.
Here there are also specific proteins on glycogen fragments called glikogenin which fugsinya as the aceptor residue of glucose. The first molecular transport glucose from UDP-glucose to glycogen by the dikatalis glikogenin insiator synthase.
Understanding 2
glikogenolisis the process of breakdown of glycogen into glucose or glucose 6 phosphate at a time when low blood sugar response. This process occurs in the cytosol. Well here is the reverse process, the last creation of the chain now the degradation of the chain. This reaction:
a. the shortening of the chain
using the help of Pi, glycogen fosforilase cut the chain at the outermost branch section 1.4 of glycogen. Glycogen fosforilase will stop when the cut branch home has 4 glucose residues. The molecule glycogen has been relegated from the branch point is called limit dextrine.
using the help of Pi, glycogen fosforilase cut the chain at the outermost branch section 1.4 of glycogen. Glycogen fosforilase will stop when the cut branch home has 4 glucose residues. The molecule glycogen has been relegated from the branch point is called limit dextrine.
b. removal of chain
starting from the existence of oligoglukotransferase is decided 3 of 4 glucose residues of yesteryear at the time shortening of chain and transfer them to a non reducing end at other chains.
This led to the formation of a chain of branch 1.6. and continued with amiloglukosidase namely debranching enzime certainly functions to decide branch of 1.6. Well so that it will form a chain without branches.
So essentially glycogen is converted into glucose 1 phosphate by glycogen fosforilase. Further glucose 1 phosphate it will be converted into glucose 6 phosphate by the fosfoglukomutase. Then gukosa 6 phosphate is modified by glucose 6 Phosphatase into glucose. And glucose will diffuse from the blood into the cells. Then blood sugar levels so normal again.
but there is also peyakitnya called glycogen storage disease and is divided into several types.
Type 1 Von Gierke's disease occurs due to deficiency of glucose 6 Phosphatase in liver tissue.
Type 1 Von Gierke's disease occurs due to deficiency of glucose 6 Phosphatase in liver tissue.
Type 2 Pompe's disease due to a deficiency of the enzyme Alpha-glucosidase 1.4 on all the lysosome
Type 3 Cori's disease due to the deficiency of the amilo debranching enzyme glucosidase or 1.6 on the network on all
Type 4 Anderson's organ disease due to amilotransglikosidase deficiency on tissues in the liver and possibly on all networks.
Type 5 Mc Ardle's disease because of the deficiency of glycogen fosforilase in muscle tissue.
Type 5 Mc Ardle's disease because of the deficiency of glycogen fosforilase in muscle tissue.
Understanding 3
Bottom line, this is the process of formation of glucose from carbohydrate molecules yaang instead. Why this had to happen, because as a function to protect the body particularly the brain of hypoglycemia. Well the substrate-substrate is commonly used include amino acids, lactate, glycerol and propionate. Well there called that glycerol can be transformed into glucose, that might be a bit of give you an idea why people that obesity can experience diabetes mellitus. remember right with reaction irreversibel on glycolysis, well here you can switch with 4 alternatives. those are:
- karboksilasi of Pyruvate to pyruvate by oksaloasetat karboksilase then oksaloasetat will be converted to fosfoenolpiruvat by fosofoenolpiruvat by karboksikinase
- oksaloasetat will experience a reduction of Malic into and then ditranspor into the cytosol and oxidation occurs again or reoxidize to oksaloasetat.
- Defosforilasi also happens to fructose 1.6 bifosfat by fructose 1.6 bifosfatase
- defosforilasi also occur from glucose 6 phosphate by glucose 6 Phosphatase
- lactate is produced by cells with low levels of oxygen.
- And then inserted into the Cori cycle where the lactate released from muscle skelet on sports time will then be transferred to the heart and then revamped into pyruvate and pyruvate will be transformed into glucose
- glycerol which is a product of the metabolism of fat stored in fat tissue will be transferred to the liver and then dikonvesi into glycerol 3 phosphate by glycerol kinase (only in the liver and kidney). Only in the liver and ginjallah can be converted to glycerol glucose.
- The most important amino acids is alanin, in short at a time when the sport was changed to pyruvic alanin. Then ditransport to the liver will alanin and converted back to pyruvate and then converted into glucose.