Carbohydrates are divided into :
1. Anaerobic Pathway or Glycolysis-Stadia from the first energy production takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell. This glucose breakdown Process will take place in the absence of oxygen, called anaerobic phase. In this process the glucose has 6 carbon atoms will be broken into molecules containing 3 carbon atoms gliseraldehid-3 PO4-that eventually will form 2 molecules of pyruvic acid. Energy produced/released during gikolisis lasts only a little that is as much as 2 molecules of ATP or 5% of the total energy production.
Fig. 1 the structure of carbohydrates
. Piruvic Acid Pathway
· Possibility to be converted back into glucose.
· Likely bind to ammonia forming alanin (amino acids)
· Chances are it will bind with CO2 to form oksaloasetat acid.
· Chances are it will bind to the KoA (Ko-enzyme A) forming acetyl-CoA.
The Process Of Pyruvic Acid Pathway:
· Possibility to be converted back into glucose.
· Likely bind to ammonia forming alanin (amino acids)
· Chances are it will bind with CO2 to form oksaloasetat acid.
· Chances are it will bind to the KoA (Ko-enzyme A) forming acetyl-CoA.
The Process Of Pyruvic Acid Pathway:
b. lactic acid
During physical activity body weight then the body will berkompensasi by doing the process of respiration takes place very quickly, as a result of the body will lack oxygen. At this point the muscle glycogen will be reclaimed/used as energy through a process that is anaerobic Glycolysis/that ended with the formation of lactic acid. But when the body has enough rest and gets enough oxygen (O2) then it can change into lactic acid gikogen (liver glycogen) called glikoneogenesis and later when needed can occur the process glikogenolisis (glycogen is converted into blood glucose.
During physical activity body weight then the body will berkompensasi by doing the process of respiration takes place very quickly, as a result of the body will lack oxygen. At this point the muscle glycogen will be reclaimed/used as energy through a process that is anaerobic Glycolysis/that ended with the formation of lactic acid. But when the body has enough rest and gets enough oxygen (O2) then it can change into lactic acid gikogen (liver glycogen) called glikoneogenesis and later when needed can occur the process glikogenolisis (glycogen is converted into blood glucose.
The whole process which is called the Cori cycle back:
2. Aerobic Pathway (Kreb's Cycle)-Stadia both energy production derived from glucose in progress in mitokhondria cell. This process requires the presence of oxygen the aerobic process of continuity of key sbegai and also called oxidative energy metabolism that is (Oxidative Energy Metabolism). That process is the continuation of pyruvat acid reshuffle with the end result of the formation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) as well as a number of energy.
This cycle comes to a series of reactions as follows:
· Release of CO2 with the help of the enzyme dekarboksilase.
· Releasing the hydrogen atom with the help of the enzyme dehydrogenase.
· Oxidation of hydrogen atoms with oxygen.
Atomic hydrogen from pyruvate must be released with the help of the enzyme dehydrogenase immediately bonded with Coenzymes (vitamins-NAD, FAD) and the influence of some other enzymes, feeds into a molecule of cytochrome. At each step of this phase/hydrogen atoms will be released to the surrounding body fluids as hydrogen ions are free. At the same time oxygen will be transported through Hb oxygen ions with the help of cytochrome oxidase. The presence of hydrogen ions and oxygen ions in the body fluid allows the second reaction that forms the substance of water molecules (H2O). On each of the oxidation process of hydrogen the stadia will be removed in a number of high-energy phosphates (ATP).
This cycle comes to a series of reactions as follows:
· Release of CO2 with the help of the enzyme dekarboksilase.
· Releasing the hydrogen atom with the help of the enzyme dehydrogenase.
· Oxidation of hydrogen atoms with oxygen.
Atomic hydrogen from pyruvate must be released with the help of the enzyme dehydrogenase immediately bonded with Coenzymes (vitamins-NAD, FAD) and the influence of some other enzymes, feeds into a molecule of cytochrome. At each step of this phase/hydrogen atoms will be released to the surrounding body fluids as hydrogen ions are free. At the same time oxygen will be transported through Hb oxygen ions with the help of cytochrome oxidase. The presence of hydrogen ions and oxygen ions in the body fluid allows the second reaction that forms the substance of water molecules (H2O). On each of the oxidation process of hydrogen the stadia will be removed in a number of high-energy phosphates (ATP).
Before we get into metabolime the carbs it's good we know whether the transporter that help the entry of glucose. Carbohydrate metabolism in transport by:
GLUT 1: all cells
GLUT 2: liver, kidney, pancreas
GLUT 3: placenta
GLUT 4: skelet muscle cardiac muscle, adipose tissue
GLUT 5: Small intestine,
GLUT 3: placenta
GLUT 4: skelet muscle cardiac muscle, adipose tissue
GLUT 5: Small intestine,
Glycolysis process is also known as the Embden Mayerhoff asphalted the goal of generating ATP from glucose. This process occurs in the cytosol this process can happen in a State of aerobic and anaerobic. On the process of aerobic glucose is converted into 2 pyruvate. On the anaerobic glucose is converted into lactate in the muscles or ethanol on microorganisms.
Before we continue into the reaction of Glycolysis we should know there used to be three enzymes irreversibel (not the reaction back and forth) 3 enzymes are:
1. hexokinase or glukokinase
2. fosfofrukto kinase
3. pyruvate kinase
keep in mind that in the process of Glycolysis process of oxidation the oxidation occurs at the first gliseraldehid 3 phosphate.
The reaction of Glycolysis
Before we continue into the reaction of Glycolysis we should know there used to be three enzymes irreversibel (not the reaction back and forth) 3 enzymes are:
1. hexokinase or glukokinase
2. fosfofrukto kinase
3. pyruvate kinase
keep in mind that in the process of Glycolysis process of oxidation the oxidation occurs at the first gliseraldehid 3 phosphate.
The reaction of Glycolysis
The reaction of Glycolysis it could drag in by Arsenic, and Flouride. For example the case of Munir, si this poison in Munir pake Arsenic. Because Arsenic block gliserat 3 phosphate pyruvate is formed not even be formed 1-arseno-3-fosfogliserat. Reply of the flouride, inhibiting the enzyme enolase in transforming gliserat into fosfoenolpiruvat phosphate 2, hence toothpaste don't thrash!
previously this vitally important glucose for the brain and red blood cells.</https:> For the brain that plays a major role in glucose as energy. Well especially on red blood cells there is a difference that is the synthesis of 2.3 bifosfogliserat. So 0.8 bifosfogliserat in pictures that harusnyakan changed to gliserat3fosfat but in the red blood cells will be converted to 1.4 bifosfogliserat by the enzyme bifosfogliserat mutase. Then 2.3 BPG this will again be transformed into Gliserat phosphate 3. Understand right?? its function is now converted into a 1.4 BPG is to lower power belt of oxygen in hemoglobin oxygen so that it could be removed to the network. Try 1.4 BPG didn't happen, not going to get off the oxygen right??
clinical aspects of inhibition of Pyruvate metabolism lactic acidosis will cause. The enzyme aldolase A deficiency and pyruvate kinase hemolitic anaemia will result.
previously this vitally important glucose for the brain and red blood cells.</https:> For the brain that plays a major role in glucose as energy. Well especially on red blood cells there is a difference that is the synthesis of 2.3 bifosfogliserat. So 0.8 bifosfogliserat in pictures that harusnyakan changed to gliserat3fosfat but in the red blood cells will be converted to 1.4 bifosfogliserat by the enzyme bifosfogliserat mutase. Then 2.3 BPG this will again be transformed into Gliserat phosphate 3. Understand right?? its function is now converted into a 1.4 BPG is to lower power belt of oxygen in hemoglobin oxygen so that it could be removed to the network. Try 1.4 BPG didn't happen, not going to get off the oxygen right??
clinical aspects of inhibition of Pyruvate metabolism lactic acidosis will cause. The enzyme aldolase A deficiency and pyruvate kinase hemolitic anaemia will result.