Pain classification based on durationPain can be classified based on their length are distinguished into acute pain and chronic pain.
- Acute Pain
Acute pain is pain that occurs after acute injuries, illnesses or surgical intervention and has a fast awitan, with varying intensity (mild to severe) and lasts for a short time. Acute pain lasts a short (less than 6 months), has a turnover which suddenly, and localized. This pain is usually due to surgical trauma or inflammatory. Most people who experience this type of pain, such as at the time of the headache, dental pain, burning, skewered duri, pascapersalinan, pascapembedahan, and so on. - Nyeri Kronik
Chronic pain is a constant pain or an intermitten settled along a period of time. Chronic pain lasts a long time, the intensity of which varies and usually lasts more than 6 months. Chronic pain is divided into two, namely chronic pain nonmalignan and malignan. Nonmalignan chronic pain is pain caused by injury or progressive network that heals, can occur without obvious causes such as low back pain, and pain based on top of chronic conditions, such as osteoarthritis. While chronic pain malignan also called cancer pain has causes pain that can be identified, that occur due to changes in the nerves. These changes can occur due to the emphasis on nerve due to metastatic cancer cells as well as the influence of chemical substances produced by the cancer itself.
Pain is classified based on the originally differentiated into nosiseptif pain and neuropathic pain.
- Pain Nosiseptif
Nociceptive pain is pain that caused by activation of the peripheral sensitization or nosiseptor which is a special receptor noxious stimuli are delivering. Peripheral nosiseptif pain can occur due to the stimulus on skin, bones, joints, muscles, connective tissue, and others. This can occur on a post operative pain and cancer pain. - Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain is the result of an injury or an abnormality in the structure of the peripheral or central nerve. Unlike the nosiseptif pain, neuropathic pain last longer and is a process of abnormal sensory nerve input by the peripheral nervous system. This pain is more difficult to treat. Patients will experience pain like a sense of burning, tingling, shooting, shock like, hypergesia or allodynia. Neuropathic pain from the nature of the pain is chronic pain.
Pain classification based on location can be distinguished as follows:
- Superficial atau Kutaneus
Superficial pain is pain caused srimulasi skin, characteristics of pain lasted briefly and localized. The pain is typically felt as a sharp sensation. E.g. impaled syringes and small cuts or laserasi. - VisceraPain
Visceral pain is pain that results from the stimulation of internal organs. The characteristics of the pain are diffuse and may spread to some direction. Their length varies but usually lasts longer than superficial pain. On this pain also cause an unpleasant taste. And associated with nausea and Autonomic symptoms. Pain can be felt sharp, dull or unique depending on the organs involved. Examples of sensation at (crushing) such as angina pectoris and a burning sensation in stomach ulcer-like. - Referred Pain
Pain over is a common phenomenon in the visceral pain because many organs do not have pain receptors. The characteristics of the pain can be felt in parts of the body which is separate from the source of pain and can be tasted with different characteristics. Examples of pain that occurs in myocardial miocard, which cause pain over to the jaw, left arm, gallstones, which can turn their pain into the crotch. - Radiation Pain
Radiation of pain sensation is pain that extends from where early injuries to other parts of the body. Characteristics of pain feels as if spread to the lower part of the body or all parts of the body. Pain can be intermitten or constant. Examples of pain lower back due to a ruptured intravertebral discs accompanied by pain that radiate along the sciatic nerve irritation of lower limb